I have to say, I found myself agreeing with Fred throughout this blog post. Especially when he explains why he started his blog, Fragments From Floyd. As someone who has experienced wanting to leave an unhappy workplace, I can relate to his struggle at that time completely. As for the reasons why he started blogging, his reasons make sense to me. His blog allowed him to express himself in a new way, the fact that he could immediately have his writing published for the world to see. In fact, his first post (titled Summer Lightning) was about him releasing his pent up frustration with his 'professional peers'. From there, his blog has served him well.
His blog also allows him release his personal opinions on the environment and the world, as well as his own personal family life. It has been useful for him.
I had a similar experience when I made my blog for a class. It was a movie review blog, and it allowed me to release my personal opinion to the internet. My experience with the blog was, like Fred's, a positive one.
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